Michel Thomas
About Michel Thomas
Short Summary of the Life of Michel Thomas
Chronology of Michel's Life
The Michel Thomas Language Centers

"Michel Thomas has more than passed the test of courage. He has been more than an eyewitness to history. He has been an integral part of it, and his pain and passion cry out eloquently to those who have read Test of Courage to learn, to remember, to never forget the lessons that he lived through and survived. There are few heroes in our world today. There were fewer during the most turbulent, tragic years of the twentieth century. Michel Thomas is truly an inspiring hero; a shining light in the darkness of the Holocaust and the obscene collaboration of Vichy France; a man largely unknown and unsung who has left a remarkable footprint in the sands of time. His story is riveting, heart-stopping and unforgettable."

Abraham H. Foxman, National Director, Anti-Defamation League.